Understanding Root Canal Procedures

Understanding Root Canal Procedures

  • 3 New Advances In Dental Implant Technology

    If you are missing one or more teeth and are tired of wearing dentures, then you may be considering getting dental implants. Now is a great time to visit an implant dentist because while dental implants have been available for many decades, implant technology has been advancing at a rapid pace in recent years. New implant technology increases the chance of successful implant placement and even helps prevent post-implant oral infections.

  • Here's Why The Motion Of Your Jaw Can Be Temporarily Affected By Dental Implant Surgery

    You might not have heard of trismus, but you probably know it by its more common name—lockjaw. It's an unpleasant condition where the motion of your jaw becomes limited, preventing you from opening your mouth properly. Lockjaw can be a problem immediately after your dental implant surgery, but is it anything to be worried about? Your Mastication Muscles Although dental implant surgery is focused on the empty dental socket that will be filled with the implant, it can affect other parts of your jaw too.

  • Services Offered By Orthodontists

    There are different types of doctors dealing with oral health. If you have an overbite, misaligned teeth, or occlusion, you need to see an orthodontist. Such dental irregularities affect eating, sleeping, and speaking. Orthodontic services help to prevent and correct any misalignment in teeth and jaws. Here are some of the services offered by an orthodontist. Disarranged Teeth  The primary service of an orthodontist is to treat overcrowded and misaligned teeth.

  • 5 Reasons To Choose Dental Implants To Replace A Tooth

    If you have a tooth that needs to go, you need a plan to fill its place. When it comes to replacing a removed tooth, a dental implant is often a great option. #1: Natural Appearance When you replace a tooth, you want the replacement tooth to look as natural as possible. A dental implant is designed to look and feel just like a natural tooth. You will be able to look at your smile and not even tell that one of your teeth is not natural with a dental implant.

  • 5 Advantages Of Invisalign Braces

    If your teeth are misshapen, you may feel insecure about your smile and thinking about getting braces. However, you might not want to wear traditional metal braces because they are too noticeable. The good news is that you can get Invisalign, which is clear. Here are a few advantages of getting Invisalign braces. They Are Invisible When you are an adult, you may not want to have a mouth full of metal.

  • 2024© Understanding Root Canal Procedures
    About Me
    Understanding Root Canal Procedures

    Hey everyone. My name is Jaheem Gherdley. I made this site to talk about root canal procedures. Root canals are usually performed to save broken or rotten teeth. My situation did not deviate from this norm. I was eating my favorite crunchy snacks when my tooth broke straight down the middle. I ignored this development until an infection set in deep in the root of my tooth. My dentist urged me to come right in for an emergency root canal to save the tooth and stop the spread of infection. The procedure stopped the pain and kept my tooth in place. From that point on, I decided to learn all I can about root canals. I will share the information I've gathered with you to help you understand the importance of this procedure. Thanks for stopping by.
